Learn Some Tips On How To Move Sofa or Couch!
During a move sofas and couches are highly susceptible to frame damage and upholstery damage. If you do not want to have them scratched or ripped, you should look for commercial movers in Redondo Beach. They will know better how to move it and what methods to use in order to avoid collisions with walls or other objects. You should contact an appropriate mover for assistance and maybe you can also learn some tips on how to move sofa or couch. Here is a list with tips that should simplify this daunting task:
1) Measurement. Every one must measure the dimensions of the sofa before the move starts. You must asses the length and height of the couch or sofa. In this way you will be able to tell if it can fit through all the doors or stairways.
2) Remove the doors if possible. This is another measure to secure that the furniture item will not be damaged during a move.
3) Remove the legs and mattress. This will make the load easier and will also give you more space to maneuver the couch or sofa. Place them in a separate box and label it.
4) Tie off the metal frame. You will need to tie off the metal frame in order to prevent if unfolding during the move. You must use a strong rope.
5) Clean the items. It is indicated to clean your sofa/couch and let it dry, otherwise the moisture will have negative effects during the move.
6) Use shrinkwrap, microfoam and blankets to secure your items.
7) Use hand trucks or furniture dollies. You will surely need assistance to help you lift the furniture and help you place it on the dolly. After that, things are easier, all you need to do is to bring the sofa or couch on the back of the transport vehicle.
We understand that there are many rules to follow and things can get a bit confusing. If you want to remove all your worries, you should hire us. We are a professional moving company and we have done this operation so many times before. For more details, visit our website. Visit us!